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Home \ Children’s parks \ Cheldren's parks and centers \ Entertaiment park Alpsee Bergwelt

Entertaiment park Alpsee Bergwelt

Amusement park for children and adults  Alpsee Bergwelt

Park is situated rather far from Bad Reichenhall, by car it is 3 hours drive (291 km), but... it is worth mentioning and that is why:

1. In this park the tabagan track is situated which works all year round, besides this there are night rides, besides that it is the longest track in Bavaria and one of the longest in Europe. Its length is 3000 meters. Night rides are held on Wednesdays and Saturdays until 22 o'clock. The track is highlighted by the powerful searchlights.

2. In this park the biggest rope park in Bavaria is situated (we often call them Panda/Norway parks). 19 tracks for tourists with different levels of preparation, there are some routes for children under 5 years, with the height of ropes up to 1 meter.

3. This park is situated not very far from park Algau, where many people go for purpose to rent apartments next to this park.

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Parking address for navigator:  Ratholz 4, 87509 Immenstadt im Allgäu

The park is situated on the mountain, so besides the prices services i mention prices for the lift:

Chairlift & Alpsee Coaster

aged 14 and older
aged between 6 and 13
Up- & downhill ride (dowhill ride with chairlift OR Alpsee Coaster) 12,50 € 10,50 €
Alpsee Coaster (without chairlift) 7,00 € 6,00 €
Chairlift uphill ride 7,00 € 6,00 €
Chairlift downhill ride 7,00 € 6,00 €
  Chairlift / Coaster free for children up to 5 years!

Abenteuer Alpe - Älpler Freunde

Free entrance for children under the age of 3.

aged 14 and older
aged between 6 and 13
Abenteuer Alpe + up- & downhill ride (downhill ride with chairlift OR Alpsee Coaster) 17,00 € 17,00 €
aged 14 and older
aged between 3 and 13
Abenteuer Alpe (single ticket) 5,00 € 7,00 €

High ropes course "Kletterwald Bärenfalle"

Valid only when high ropes course is operating

aged 14 and older
aged between 6 and 13
'Kletterwald Bärenfalle' + up- & downhill ride (downhill ride with chairlift OR Alpsee Coaster) 32,50 € 26,50 €
Kletterwald Bärenfalle single ticket (available at the high ropes course) 23,50 € 18,50 €
High ropes course Kiddy-Parcours 6,00 € (age 3-5 years / 1,5 hours)

Holders of the Allgäu-Walser-Card and groups of 10 or more persons get a discount of 0,50 € for chairlift / Alpsee Coaster ticket and of 2,50 € for the high ropes course combination tickets.

In addition, of course, you won't stay hungry - 4 restaurants with national kitchen will feed and drink you.And to entertain the smallest there's a big playground.

011  007

The video is from the website of the attraction

Attractions nearby:

The ruins of the castle Hohenfreyberg

Nature Conservation park Walderlebniszentrum Ziegelwies

The Baths Königlichen Kristall-Therme Schwangau

Hohen Schwangau (Schloss Hohenschwangau)

The castle Neuschwansstein (Schloss Neuschwanstein)










Moscow, Molodogvardeyskaya str, 65