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Entertaiment center Oberaudorf

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Meet Oberaudorf entertainment center  From Bad Reichenhall it is situated in one hour drive (95 km), address of the parking -  Carl-Hagen-Straße 7, 83080 Oberaudorf

The main attractions are shown on the photo: here's the paragliding school, as i understood you can make a flight "on spark" with instructor, besides there'ssummer sleigh track. The track is unusual by its lenght 1100 metres, and there's a "gvroscope", helical turn on 360 degrees. I must say that I haven't  met such variations befor. 

It is necessery to say about another attraction which is called "flying fox". In short, it is " a flight" on the suspension system over Alps/ You should watch thee video of cours (photos and videos are taken from the website).




In conclusion i should mention the children's Panda park and tranpolines, where younger children can have fun.

Working time: from 10 until 16 o'clock, Norway park is opened from 10 until 17 o'clock.

The prices on different attractions, lifts watch on the website of the entertainment center, there are many combinations, you will find something by your interests ))

In winter, it is a ski resort, where you can ski or sleigh.

Attractions nearby:


The waterfall Josefsthaler Wasserfälle

Ethnographic museum Markus Wasmeier Freilichtmuseum

The castle festung Kufstein (Festung Kufstein)

The castle Hohenaschau (Hohenaschau)

Children's entertaiment park Marquartstein

Summer sleighs Blomberg Blitz

The Thermal Complex Badepark Bad Wiessee

Falconry Kennel Falkenhof Paul Klima




Moscow, Molodogvardeyskaya str, 65