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Museum cemetery of Tyrol Museumsfriedhof

Museum cemetery of Tyrol Museumfriedhof is one the most unusual museums of Austria and Germany.

In short, in this Museum you can get acquainted with the burial culture of Tyrol from the 16th century to the present day. The main exhibits are tombstones, crosses, etc., everything related to this sad page of life. The Museum is unique not only for Germany and Austria, but also for the whole world. It is visited by about 200,000 tourists every year. 

Address of the museum: Hagau 82, 6233 Kramsach, Austria

The museum works daily except Mondays, it is opened from 10 until 17 o'clock. The entrance is free, but they will be glad voluntary donation.

arkaden2  Museumsladen-aussen  arkaden3

Attractions nearby:

The castle Trazberg

The museum of the factory Swarovski (Swarovski Kristallwelten)

Silver mine Schwazer Silberbergwerk

The gorge of wolves (Wolfsklamm)

Planetarium in Schwaz

Railway Zillertahlbahn

Railway Achenseebahn

The castle festung Kufstein (Festung Kufstein)

Entertainment park KaiserWelt

Museum of Tyrolean farms (Museum Tiroler Bauernhofe)

Regional museum Heimatmuseum Achental & Tiroler Bergweihnacht

The museum of the ancient technics Traktorclub Maurach

Jenbacher Museum

Sport park Abenteuerpark Achensee

Moscow, Molodogvardeyskaya str, 65